Welke verbeteringen zijn er opgeleverd op jouw vakgebied?
Mientje Paais | 17.08.2018 10.32 CET
SAP heeft een flink aantal verbeteringen doorgevoerd. Bekijk welke verbeteringen zijn opgeleverd in SCM en EAM. Ook op het vlak van CRM, S/4HANA SD & SAP Solution Manager kunnen organisaties verbeterde functionaliteiten downloaden.
Op de SAP Improvement Finder website kun je selecteren op jouw vakgebied en de details van deze verbeteringen bekijken.
Customer Engagement & Commerce (CEC / CRM)
- Add logo / picture for accounts and contact persons
- Multi level categorization delta transport
- Search for email based on content in the body and attachments
- Interaction Center - Allow full text search for email
S/4HANA | SD Sales and Billing
- VD51 CMIR mapped to multiple materials for the same customer
- Overview SAP note for all available SD user parameters
- Add multiple selection for sales organization in transaction VFX3
- VD51/VD52/VD53: Ability to display additional columns
- VF04: Selection by sales office
- VF04: selection by creator
- Invalidity flag for price conditions
- Changelog: additional selection criteria
- VA01/VA21: Determination of shipping condition out of ship-to-party master
- VD52: Upload new/changed customer material data and enlarge the table control
- Use of serial number to determine reference document (sales order or invoice) for returns order
- Display the first three incompleteness fields in incompleteness reports (V.02 and VA06)
- Transaction VD52: Add customer material as additional select-option parameter
- Documentations for some SD-APIs are missing
- VA02 Open Account assignment group for change
Change and Release Management 2018 in SAP Solution Manager
- Generate URL link to a specific Change Document in Web UI
Fiori App for ChaRM
- Archiving of ChaRM Transactions
- Project ID Needs to be ChaRM Cycle
Process Management 2018 in SAP Solution Manager
- Create View Down to Transaction Level
- Editing documents in Solution documentation
- Change Default Layout on User level for List and Element Views
- Display documents of process step originals in list views of process step references
- Restriction on Views visibility
- User Information at the attributes
- Filter attributes in LIST
- Authorize and restrict the Scope Functionality in SolMan
- Have deleted Sol Doc item show up as an entry in Sol Doc Assignment Block of Change Document
Test Suite 2018 in SAP Solution Manager
Reference the project from PPM in Test Suite and ITSM
- Test Package mass copy
SAP EAM Plant Maintenance
- Copy possibility for operation with services and/or components
- Closing outstanding orders and notifications when setting deletion flag in FuncLoc/Equipment
- IP16: Display the frequency of a maintenance plan
- Collective entry of measurement documents / Sammelerfassung von Messbelegen
- 15283: Profile for default values within creation of Maintenance Plans -/- Profil für Vorschlagswer
- 7456: copy of components (and tasks) within an order -/- Kopieren von Komponenten (und Vorgängen)
- Create preventive maintenance plan by copying existing maintenance plan
IP11: Maintenance Strategy by Plant
- Extend order mass change function to include user status
SCM - Service Parts Planning
- SPP Cockpit Usability
- Open Quantity Calculation in SNC
- ASUG SPM IC #9 - SPP Deployment Locks
- Forecast profile change log
- DRP recalculation data saving functionality on DRP matrix(just like we have in forecasting screen)
- Service run summary
- Provide Ability to Override Forecast Values in Mass
- Forecast Model Change