SAP Continuous Improvement programma

Mientje Paais | 09.07.2018  13.56 CET

De komende tijd besteedt de VNSG meer aandacht aan een derde programma dat SAP heeft ontwikkeld om gebruikers van SAP-oplossingen feedback te geven. Hierbij wordt continu om verbeteringen gevraagd en geeft SAP Development op gezette tijden feedback op ingediende suggesties.

Continuously suggest product improvements

SAP Continuous Influence provides you with the opportunity to suggest improvements on SAP products directly to the development teams. Formerly offered through SAP Idea Place, this program is specifically aimed towards customers using newer SAP products and cloud solutions that require an open channel for the continuous collection of improvement requests and resolutions. It is similar to the SAP Customer Connection program, which is targeted at customers using on-premise products in maintenance.

• Fine-tune your SAP products and solutions – and influence SAP direction to benefit your organization

• Collaborate with SAP development teams anytime through a continuously open channel

• Submit your improvement requests, vote on other ideas and get regular notifications about the status of your improvements requests through the Customer Influence site

Log in to view current SAP Continuous Influence sessions
Contact us for more information