[img=/iMIS/images/Events/20190704 Vierkant industry 4 themamiddag.jpg]VNSG[/img] Hoe kom je tot een intelligent enterprise? Welke mogelijkheden zijn er om data te verzamelen, analyseren en toepassen? En hoe kom je daar, gegeven het SAP ECC- landschap
[img=/IMIS/images/Blogs/20190118 Blog Frank CX servitization.png]VNSG][/img] Servitization will transform the traditional product offerings into advanced service offerings and this will redefine the value propositions provided to customers. Servitiza
[img=/iMIS/images/Blogs/DigitalTwins/1.jpg]VNSG[/img] De digitale spiegel van fysieke objecten draagt veel beloften in zich, maar vereist een goede inbedding in de complete automatisering. Dat dit nog niet zo eenvoudig is blijkt tijdens de bijeenkoms
[img=/iMIS/images/Events/Industry 4.0 portfolio 2.png]VNSG[/img] Many companies are investigating the potential use of digital twins. One of the difficulties is to design an integrated solution architecture. Learn more about digital twins.
[img=/iMIS/images/Events/I4.0-topics.jpg]VNSG[/img] Industry 4.0 is disrupting relationships across manufacturers, customers and suppliers. Companies are adding sensors, making 'smart' things able to receive and share real-time information.
[img=/iMIS/images/Blogs/afbeelding foto frank luyckx.jpg]VNSG[/img] IoT, Industry 4.0, Block chain, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data science, Augmented reality, Robotics, Drones, Self driving vehicles.